FairCoop and Faircoin in Hojaderouter.com

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In this post we present an extensive article on FairCoop and Faicoin that appeared today in the online journal hojaderouter.com and eldiario.es (Spain) where they have laid out a good summary of the history of Faircoin; how, from its birth – exactly a year ago – it has been promoting a new autonomous global economic paradigm independent of the current capitalist system; based on cooperation, trust, mutual support, and free software commons; with the goal of replacing the obsession with personal profit and speculation, and generating a collective vision of how to improve society.
“Faircoin was created in early March 2014 by an anonymous developer who then left without a trace. 50 million coins were created and then distributed between the 6th and 8th of this month, at a rate of 1,000 units per hour; given as gifts to whoever signed up to receive them. It became the first virtual currency that did not initially have to be mined, and that was shared equitably in order to promote equality between participants.
Together, Faircoin and FairCoop try to promote a new global system of “post-capitalist economy” based on collaboration and free software. The cryptocurrency has become one of its main pillars, functioning as an exchange currency and a store of value. Thomas König, [the current developer behind Faircoin], explains that it promotes solidarity by allowing anyone to transfer value to other people quickly, securely and cheaply, without relying on centralised governmental or financial powers. In addition, “a cryptocoin can be a good excuse to generate a social movement and mutual support networks around it, and to bring the “virus of cooperation” to the money markets, says Enric Duran [the founder of FairCoop].
Both Duran as König argue that Faircoin, while important in Faircoop, is “nothing more than a tool within a global framework.” Progressively other tools will appear to “complete the monetary and economic ecosystem of Faircoop”, according to Duran. He explains that a just monetary system also needs access to credit that is democratic, that is accessible “to all persons having the capacity to produce, and that at any given moment can cover people’s basic needs.”
This will be possible in the future with the other decentralized currency called Faircredit, which will be tasked with providing mutual credit. The loans will be interest-free debts that will become a revenue for others, and the sum total of all balances in the system will be zero, so that credit will no longer depend on centralised banks but the common good. The appearance of Faircredit will not lead to the disappearance of Faircoin, but they will be used together as complementary currencies.

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