>> FairCoop Summer Camp 2015

Tereseta General Ecosystem

The camp aims to be a team workspace where we: Focus on developing and improving the various aspects of FairCoop The exchange of experiences, needs, and alternatives among groups and collectives interested in promoting and facilitating the Integral Revolution. Also to forge synergies and mutual aid relationships with local activist groups on the island.  And of course to strength the …


Tereseta General Ecosystem

‘Fairstarts’: A Network of Incubators for a Collaborative Economy and P2P Production A project that aims to create a network of incubators to help develop transnational, open and cooperative projects in the collaborative P2P economy. This strategic initiative will benefit both new and existing FairCoop projects, enabling locally-based self-governing projects to link in to mutual aid and solidarity support from …

Fifth Bulletin (May 2015)

Maro Bulletins, General Ecosystem, Uncategorized

1. Fairmarket alpha testing version launched the World Fair Trade Day Fairmarket is FairCoop’s online market, where all the products and services offered by members of this cooperative can be found. A key project in the new global economic ecosystem we want to build is being born. It works under the concept of an “open cooperative”; that is to say, everyone …

Faircoin, the cryptocurrency of the Catalan Robin Hood who expropriated from the banks to give to the poor

Tereseta General Ecosystem

By Lucia El Asri 04/05/2015 Hojaderouter.com Enric Duran is working with a new electronic currency that seeks to contribute to the creation of a cooperative global ecosystem able to compete with capitalism. The currency is based on values of cooperation, solidarity and equality, and puts aside the individualism that, according to the activist, defines Bitcoin. Faircoin was created in early …

Fourth Bulletin (April 2015)

Tereseta Bulletins, General Ecosystem, Uncategorized

1. FairCoop donate 100.000 Faircoins! FairCoop will donate 1000 Faircoins to the first 100 collectives that accept donations in Faircoin, and which are in tune with FairCoop’s principles and values. With the goal of publicizing Faircoin as a tool for making and receiving donations, FairCoop launches its first donations campaign. The first 100 nonprofit groups that include Faircoin as a …

Third Bulletin February 2015

Tereseta Bulletins, General Ecosystem

1. New FairCoin Wallet this thursday 26 february, mandatory update for everyone. Important advice for everyone that have a Faircoin Wallet. Read it carefully. This release contains some major changes to Faircoin. Our aim is to develop Faircoin further and prepare it for broad adoption. With the changes we’ve made to the code base the development of merchant applications, alternative …

The Second FairCoop Bulletin, January 2015

Stacco Troncoso Bulletins, General Ecosystem

Hello and welcome to the second edition of the FairCoop bulletin. As you can see we’ve kept true to our commitment to non-spammyness but now the time is right for another batch of updates and exciting news in the FairCoop universe. 1. Welcome, Bienvenido, Benvenue, Willkommen, benvenuto, Bem-vindo We’ve made “Welcome” pages in different languages, to facilitate your introduction in …

The First FairCoop Bulletin

FairCoop Bulletins, General Ecosystem 3 Comments

Hello friends! This is the first FairCoop Bulletin; we plan on sending these out on a semi-regular, (non-spammy) basis to let you know what’s going on in the global Fair.coop movement. The wealth of any movement is its members so please if you have any doubts, questions, suggestions or downright inspirations, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and get …

The Earth Cooperative for a Fair Economy

myliu General Ecosystem, press Leave a Comment

Fair.coop is an open global cooperative which organizes itself through the Internet and stays off-limits from nation-state control. A primary objective of Fair.Coop is to build a new global economic system based on cooperation, ethics, solidarity and justice in our economic relations, so that all human beings can live a fuller, more equitable life. For this matter we ask ourselves …