Internal Economics

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As seen earlier, Fair.Coop has a political framework for management of the commons based on working commissions and councils, as well as spaces for participation and digital direct democracy, in terms of policy decisions. What remains to be explained is the inner workings of Fair.Coop regarding commons-related revenue and expenses. To begin to cover expenses the Pool Fund has been created …

FairCoop principles

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FairCoop will not define or create new principles. Too many of us, with different perspectives and from different corners of the planet, have wondered if an alternative is possible and whether the world could work otherwise. We know where we want to go and that we don’t want to stay here in this carousel empty of principles or values, which …

My Projects


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FairCoop’s exchange and credit currency FairCoop is counting on its monetary innovation, FairCredit, to build a new, more equitable and globally efficient economic system, resulting from its complementary relationship with Faircoin and the work of FairCoop and its members. Its expected release date is Spring-Summer 2015. This is our blueprint: FairCredit is the monetary system of mutual credit globally supported …

Building a New Economy

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One of the priority objectives of FairCoop is to build a new global economic system based on cooperation, ethics, solidarity and justice in our economic relations. For this great goal to be possible, it is very important to have a clear strategic path which is well understood and shared by FairCoop’s members. This article explains the strategy we have considered. …

Ways to participate

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                    Become involved in the FAIRCOOP ecosystem FairCoop is a cooperative space open to the world that uses internet as a meeting point for sharing, discussing, making decisions and growing together towards a fair world. You can join the cooperative through the social network which is open to everyone and allows you to take part in forums, groups and …

Decision Making

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Decision making in is a challenging topic. Although we started off with different groups linked by an assembly as the organ for decision making, with we sought other ways, as a global assembly could be really inconvenient for reaching agreements, however without losing any key features such as open participation, decentralization, respect for minority opinions and autonomy. The …