Fairtoearth.com has been launched

Tereseta home post

Fairtoearth has been launched this tuesday march 10th. It is a new monetary tool focused on building a new postcapitalist economy. A set of tools to make the connection between Faircoin and cash easier through different payment bridges worldwide… a step towards the spread Worldwide!

FairToEarth is an initiative from Chip Chap Sl, a private company, developed by Telepay and Entropy Factory. Entropy Factory is an incubator of technologically disruptive projects, from the countryside in Castellón (Valencia) that is supporting Faircoin and the FairCoop ecosystem.

FairToEarth includes Android, IOS and web apps plus a wallet to manage money exchange easily from your devices. Android and web is already working and IOS will be working in some days.

A special focus of Fairtoearth is for unbanked collectives – without access to bank account or credit card, the excluded, the nobodies.

Initial tools for cashout include the 10000 ATMs in Spain for refunds through the Halcash network, and in some days will be added more than 6000 ATMs in Poland; and an impressive presence in Mexico through 70,000 stores in Mexico where will be possible to cashin FAIR and 10,000 ATMs for withdrawals.

More info: https://www.fairtoearth.com/en


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