FairCoop's Refugees Fund

FairCoop Launches a Crowdfunding campaign to create a Refugees Fund

Maro home post

refugeesfundAgainst the inhumanity of governments, the solidarity of the people.

During 2015, more than 3,000 people drowned in the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe safely, and of the nearly a million people got it, only about 300 have the refugee status and was resettled. The rest are wandering through different border countries in Europe, trying to get to a safe place to escape the bombs, war and destruction, that largely the European policies have sown in their countries of origin.

We are not only directly responsible for their situation, but in a flagrant breach of international laws is even denied the most fundamental right of every human being: the right to life, since EU are condemning them to risk it not only crossing the sea to escape the wars, but surviving the harsh conditions we impose on them when finally put their feet on land, when the land is European, full of border walls, barbed wire and intentions of confiscation of their few assets in countries like Denmark propose to do.

photo_2016-02-01_16-26-43Faced with this barbarity, citizens must say stop, can not become accomplices by omission of policies and ideologies that have little to do with the Europe of the Human Rights they have sold us nor with the most elementary principles of humanity, especially when these policies and ideologies have been the source of this humanitarian crisis. And we are not referring only to the refugee crisis we are experiencing today, also we include all those displaced by economic and environmental reasons that barely survive without rights in our countries for decades.

Given this situation in FairCoop we don’t stay quiet, we don’t stay silent. Now is the time for civil society to self organize through direct action to support those in need. There is an urgent need to provide appropriate humanitarian conditions and to help them organize their lives in the long term in the new host(ile) countries.  The social movements that practice solidarity from below, with very few resources, in places like Lesbos, Athens and Thessalonika, are examples of projects to support.

photo_2016-02-01_16-26-54With this campaign we want to create a fund focused on help autonomous and self-management projects to help create productive initiatives that meet their both material and immaterial daily necessities background. this is why we need your help, supporting this initiative and demonstrating that when the system fails, it can and should be replaced by alternatives that will provide real and lasting solutions. We have the knowledge, the technology and the will to do it, we just need your support.


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