New FairCoin Wallet released, MANDATORY UPDATE for everyone

Tereseta home post

New FairCoin Wallet has been released this thursday 26 february, mandatory update for everyone. Important advice for everyone that have a Faircoin Wallet. Read it carefully. This release contains some major changes to Faircoin. Our aim is to develop Faircoin further and prepare it for broad adoption. With the changes we’ve made to the code base the development of merchant … new Features

Tereseta home post

Local nodes can now sell Faircoin with The local nodes gateway has been added to the site To start with we have physical Points of Exchange (POE) at the local nodes of Catalonia and Porto. You are invited to register new a POE of exchange by writing to To get it set up it you just need …

FairCoop Structure Chart

Tereseta home post

As you have already noticed FairCoop is constantly growing and hence also gradually becoming more complex. Therefore, it is time to organize all the different parts of FairCoop and schematically represent their interconnections at a glance. For this we have chosen a presentation format where general information is given. Simply click the Prezi link, get an overview in a few …

FairCoop presentation in Barcelona

Tereseta home post

Last friday the 13th of february, at 18hs, FairCoop was presented at the Aurea Social headquarters in Barcelona. The event, followed by about 30 people, was attended by several members already linked to FairCoop’s promoter group, who are at present into the task of coordinating and promoting the catalan node. Besides the presentation of the first local Faircon exchange offices, …

Interview at Commons Transition

Tereseta home post

Commons Transition is a database of practical experiences and policy proposals aimed toward achieving a more humane and environmentally grounded mode of societal organization. The commons, along with P2P dynamics, represent an alternative way for social organisation that evolves away from the competitive market-states and the obsolete centralized planning. It is a system based upon practises and needs of civil …

FairCoop at ROAR (Reflections on a Revolution) Magazine

Tereseta home post

Reflections on a Revolution is a platform for independent journalism that seeks, in the midst of the noisy cacophony of a rapidly changing world, to amplify the voices of our generation. In their website you will find some of the most inspiring worldwide news, stories, analysis, ideas, actions, books, poems, songs, pictures, videos and sketches. Focusing on the growth and …

Fair Coop. Target: Earth

Enric Duran home post 4 Comments

An open cooperative as a revolutionary tool for building other economy at the world level Today I have not expropriated any banks, nor presented anything anyone can call illegal, against perhaps what expected by many, neither do I present a strategy directly related to my return to public freedom, which does not mean I am not still defining that plan. …